Climb it

Mountain path

“The LORD descended to the top of Mount Sinai
and called Moses to the top of the mountain.
So Moses went up”

(Exodus 19:20)

Some mountains have to be climbed. They are not going to disappear until they have been acknowledged, accepted and embraced. From the top the view and perspective are quite different. From the other side they become almost irrelevant. Very often it is from the summit, or looking back, that we experience a deeper truth about our relationship with the Lord.

To spend our time complaining about the existence of the mountain, or to grumble ceaselessly all the way up, makes the journey that much more difficult. It is more productive to ask God for His hand and His strength and to move up a step at a time with Him. That way the journey becomes a part of the blessing.

What am I avoiding, refusing to accept or kicking against?


Lord help me to identify the mountains that I have to accept and climb. Please help me with a willing spirit and the faith and strength that comes from You. Amen.
